Saturday, 3 August 2013
PRAY BEFORE raising rabbits
If we want something then ask to which we want to create something that is, who created this world and all its contents jg good thing in it was luck, mate, health, safety, as well as the success / success in building a business,, THEN ASK LORD of hosts, ASK WE CAN PRODUCE GOOD BUSINESS FOR BIRTH AND INNER WORLD HEREAFTER USEFUL FOR ALL LIVING THINGS.
Secret Power of Prayer
We will not discuss the ethics of praying, because in every religion must have been taught about the ethics ordinance and pray, we believe that the readers already understand. Our goal in writing is far from patronizing intent, merely just wanted to share the experience. In other words, what we say well we've done and feel. Our goal in writing is to share with others, may be of little use to the dear reader. With the use of reason and conscience (nur / light in the hearts of) the full limitations we tried to examine, evaluate and then the red tape, form values (wisdom) from each event and experience in our prayers.
Related to the time and place that is considered efficacious to pray, it seems everyone has beliefs and different beliefs. Those two factors also affect the stability of heart and determination in bringing permemohonan to God Almighty. But for me personally all the time and is a good place to perform prayers. Too many people believe they will be heard bahw God, even his prayer is verbal or limited verbal utterance alone. It is as a consequence, that in prayer we should always think positive (prejudice) on God. We still appreciate this idea.
Many people feel that prayer is not / has not been fulfilled. But many others felt that God had answered the prayers but the levels are still low, is still far from the expected target. It just says the feeling, not necessarily accurate view The real reality. It is difficult to quantify the percentage of the prayer which is granted to those not granted. It is caused by the following factors;
We often do not observe, even forgotten, that grace which we feel today, this week, this month, is an "answer" Lord of the prayers we say ten or twenty year ago. If it had crossed the mind or consciousness as such, we are still doubting the truth. Because of doubts that exist in our hearts, will memunculah the assumption that only a God granted my prayers.
Prayers we begged the Lord Mahatunggal certainly think we are a good size and the ideal, but what we think is good and ideal, not necessarily good in the perspective of God. Before we know it could have been God change our expectations in the application and other forms, of course most good for us. Is the Lord of Time, will probably hears us at the right time. Danketidaksadaran our ignorance of the language and the will of God (formula / natural nature), lead us to conclude that my prayer was not granted God.
The principle of goodness includes two properties or dimensions, universal and specific. Universal goodness, will apply to all people or creatures. Goodness eg safety, health, happiness, and tranquility of life. Conversely, the good-specific meaning, both for others, not necessarily good for ourselves. Or, both for ourselves is not necessarily good for others. Specific kindness extends to the dimension of time, for example, is not good for the moment, but good for the future. It is difficult to ascertain all that. But at least in prayer, the possibilities are positive that we need to realize and put into practice in mind. We need wisdom attitude, inner precision, patience, and perseverance in prayer. If we do not realize the possibilities that, in turn, will bring up the bad character of the prayer, ie; knowledgeably. For example prayed paired with the A, please be fortune lot, praying that the house can crush fell into his hands. Honestly, we are not necessarily correct in choosing prayer and hope against hope for something. Specific goodness that we do not necessarily expect to be a blessing for us. Then God's will to protect and save us, precisely by not answered our prayers. However, we often do not understand the language of God, then prejudice, and hastily conclude that the prayer was not granted God.
Not easy to understand what the "will" of God. Attitudes and knowledge needed to understand mental sharpness. Do not be pessimistic, because anyone who wants to sharpen mental acuity, he will understand what and how the "language" of God. In the spiritual realm of Java called "can nggayuh kawicaksanane Gusti".
Prayers to be efficacious (tijab / fulfilled / strong) we can do a particular issue. It is important to understand that true prayer is not just an application (verbal). More than that, prayer is a real effort netepi formula / nature / God's law as the signs of symptoms also appears on the cosmos. Petition to the Lord can be reached with oral. But the MOST IMPORTANT is the need of prayer merger between inner and outer dimensions (latent and manifesto) metaphysical and physical. Prayer will be efficacious and powerful prayer when we are at the level or nature of God's law;
In prayer should combine 4 elements in us; include; hearts, thoughts, words, actions. It is said that God has promised to answer every prayer creature? but why people often feel there are prayers answered? We need not prejudiced to God. If there is a failure to realize expectations, something is wrong with ourselves. For example, we pray for the health. Hearts we intend for physical-spiritual is always healthy. Prayer also pledged verbally spoken through us. Our thoughts also been thinking about how our actions sehat.Tetapi life out of sync, just eat jerohan, cholesterol foods, and overeating. This is an example of a prayer that is not compact and inconsistent. Prayer is powerful and efficacious should be consistent and compact involves four elements above. Namely between the heart (intentions), speech (statment), mind (planning), and action (action) not to happen contradictory. Because most ideal power of prayer is the prayer that followed with DEEDS (effort) in concrete.
For the final results, pasrahkan all the "will" of God, but remember usahamewujudkan prayer is man's duty. It must be done with full awareness that human duty and optimize business procedures, about the results or the target as expected or not, let it be the wisdom and authority of God. In other words, our task is to do our best, the final decision remains in the hands of God. Nowadays people often mistakenly conceptualize prayer. Origin was praying, and then everything Were Left to God. Even tend to pray only to the extent orally. Further prayer and hope is absolutely Left to God. This is a big mistake in understanding prayer as trapped by the fatalistic attitude. Fatalist attitude causes laziness, unreasonable behavior and the easily discouraged. In the end God will be scapegoated, assuming that her prayers had been a failure of FATE revealed by God. More misconceptions, recklessly when with regard failure as a form of trial from God (for believers). Resignation because it means resigned to the determination of the quality and quantity of the final result. Endeavor or business whose name remains a human task and responsibility.
Pray do not obey their own hopes and desires, instead pray it essentially establishes the behavior and actions into the formula (nature) of God. The difficulty is knowing whether prayer or we hope it is good or not for us. For example, even if we assume that we pintakan prayer is good. But in reality we do not know exactly, if we request later if implemented will bring good or otherwise make us wretched.
Pray specifically and in detail to the risk. For example, prayer in order to tender the project fell into our hands, or pray that our elected regent. And if we was really into the Regent this year, in the government structure there are dangerous people who will "trap" we do corruption. What happens if our application manifest. So you should pray according to the will of God, or in the terminology of Java "pray according natural nature" or natural law. How, in the prayer just begged the best for ourselves. For example: O Lord, if only project that gives kindness to myself, my family and the people around me, then allow the project to me, but if it does not bring a blessing to me, put away. By praying like that, we leave this life storyline to Gusti Allah, the All-Wise God.
The ideal and ethical prayer is a prayer that does not drive / dictate to God, prayer is not to placate yourself, prayer surrender to the Supreme Controller. Surely God will put us on the best formula and nature ... for each person! Unfortunately, we often forget that our prayer is prayer smartass, it must be good for us, and the prayers that have been driving or dictate the will of God. With a pattern like this prayer, the prayer will only be a mere lust, namely nuruti rahsaning karep.
Unspoken efficacious.
This simple phrase is the key to understand the mystery of the power of prayer, prayer is like a mirror!! Our prayer will come true or not depends on the good deeds we have done for others. In other words, granted or failure of our prayers is a reflection of the good deeds we have done to others. If we consciously or not often injure someone then prayer for salvation will be in vain. Conversely, people who have always helped and helping others, kindness is a "prayer" all the time, life always gets ease and obtain salvation. We love and willingly donate our wealth to help the people who are right to be assisted. Further look at what will happen to us, such windfalls are endless! The more charity, will be the more our fortune. Even before we say a prayer, God has fulfilled anything we expected. That's a sign, that our good deeds and charity for others, will be the unspoken prayer, but it really is efficacious. Like magic without magic. Do something nice for someone else, it actually acts as a prayer for our own.
In Java, there is a spiritual traditions such formula:
1. Who likes to help and help others, then he will always have easy.
2. Who has compassion on others, then he will be loved fellow anyway.
3. Who likes to harm others, then his life would be wretched.
4. Who is underestimating others like it will be underestimated a lot of people.
5. Who likes to berate and make fun of other people, then it would be a despicable man.
6. Anyone who likes to blame other people, is actually a weak person.
7. Who planted "trees" goodness then he will reap the fruit of kindness.
All of that is a small sample, that the deeds we do is for our own prayer. Prayer is like a mirror, which will reveal a true picture of what we are doing. Often we see people who have power in prayer, and that strength lies in consistency in his actions. In addition, there is the power of prayer in our own sincerity. Once again this sincerity is closely related to a neutral stance in prayer, meaning we do not drive or dictate to God.
The following is a "formula" in order that we are more careful in evaluating ourselves;
Do not ever hope against hope we receive (gift), if we are reluctant to give.
Do not ever hope against hope will survive, if we often make others wretched.
-Please do not ever expect an abundance of possessions, if we are less concerned for others.
-Please do not ever expect a big advantage, if we always calculate profit and loss in the charity.
Do not ever hope against hope achieve noble life, if we liked to insult others.
Five "formula" above are just some examples. Please dear readers identify themselves further formulas, which is certainly not limited in number.
Prayer will have strength (efficacious), provided that we are able to combine the above four elements namely: heart, speech, thought, and deed real. On condition we did not act contrary to the contents of the prayer. On the other hand we do good deeds for others will be efficacious prayer all the time, just if, we do denganketulusan. Level with our sincerity in the morning when "discard food waste" meaningless.
I once experienced most desperate, and zealous praying a variety of things. Day-night prayer request whatever it wants. Prayer time was only at certain times that are considered tijab. But I still feel the emptiness in life. Even the perceived reality of what happened instead of getting away from such expectations were spoken in every prayer. Over time a realization there is something wrong in my understanding of this principle.
Self-awareness appears again when feeling very lacking in doing good deeds for others. We thought, how bad this character, which is always a lot of begging, but a little "give". Try to remember what good that we've done for others, why not severe ... it seems there ... or we are already forgotten. But the thought of actually evil and error we've ever done on friends, family, parents, and others. We become anxious themselves, feel in this life does not benefit us at all for the many, while we do not know always ashamed to beg constantly Hyang Widhi. Selfish, wants own delish. Hoping against hope to obtain the fulfillment of human rights as God's creation, but was reluctant to fulfill the obligation to do good for others either.
Until at some point we get a very meaningful life lessons, at least according to our own self. Since then, there was a paradigm shift in looking at and understanding the God formula. Prayer (hope) is a concrete act. Since that time, with a vengeance every time there is a chance we do something about no benefit to anyone else. Starting from trifles, to which is not trivial. Our rationale is consciousness as a creature of God who have received a few tens or hundreds of grace in every second. But there is no sense of human reality "shame" at all times always ask God. So when bersukurnya? If you pray for something, we do a lot more to pray for friends, relatives, family. Whereas for yourself, nothing is worth doing more than grateful and grace of God.
Many in the lips giving thanks is not enough. We need to be smarter grateful and grace of God. Gratitude and prayers and manifest merge into a single act. Sukur sense manifests into actions that are beneficial for many people. Similarly to pray not only spoken through the mouth, but more important is embodied in real action.
The way we pray as it might seem "strange and nyleneh" for him-he is highly knowledgeable and have mastered the teachings of the religion textbooks. However, the principles and the ways in which we personally think that's the most fitting. I understand these fools who are still learning to go anywhere. But at least, we personally have proven benefits and hasilnya.Mohon sorry if a lot of words and sayings that are less pleased, as I realize people are still ignorant many shortcomings, but force yourself to write.
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