
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Pray Before Start Raising Rabbits Part II

Want to Succeed? Ask for Prayers of Two Women's

Has repeatedly tips success secrets that have been given by the motivators and pementor bisnis.Baik of the national and international scale, this time I tried to share with your friends all about one of the secrets that a person can quickly succeed in life.
This secret has been proven by many people, and the results are amazing-beyond-can, there is a force that is able to make a successful dream was soon realized.
Among the successful entrepreneur is
-IPhO Santosa (right brain expert), entrepreneur and author megabestseller property, which is in his 7 wonders Rizki, put these secrets into the first part of the 7 principles which he described, he described it as a magic pair of Angels.
-Hendy Setiono entrepreneurs Kebab Turki Baba Rafi, who has had more than 500 outlets, and more than 1,000 employees spread throughout the country even in malaysia, singapore and thailand.
-Deny Delyandri entrepreneurs Kek Pisang Villa souvenirs typical of Batam, which fall up to build its business by as much as it is today.
And many more success stories from entrepreneurs, who successfully implemented the secret of success of this one.
It is a pair of Angels
# Mothers
Never rule out the role of the mother was in the process of achieving success kita.Ibu is a woman who knows exactly kita.Dialah conditions and circumstances that have a very strong spiritual bond with children anaknya.Meskipun no part of the mother who dumped her heart, but far in the heart of a mother, certainly never felt bear to see her suffer and sengasara.
Quite simply if we want something, whether it's a great desire or kecil.Alangkah nice if we involve the mother didalamnya.Ingin pass the exam, we ask Mother to pray for something kita.Kepingin live simply state our desire that the same mother, and the results look at the magic that will happen.
Mother's prayer prayer most mustajab.Takkan no prayer of a chance of competing Ibu.Antara mother and the sky was as if there was no bulkhead that limit.
# Wife
He is the second angel in life that will accelerate the success kita.Anda not believe ..? well .. maybe there is not a secret sky mempercayainya.Tapi been displaying them, how many people are alone when his bachelors still in a state of poor papa, do not have a clear objective, no living picture pasti.Masih own wishes, but the wife has the most maturity not we a little more advanced and developed.
And as always, when we want something try rundingkanlah with his wife, and do not feel embarrassed to ask doanya.Ini is part of a way to unite and gather kekuatan.Agar us stronger in our success.
And when we fall, still there are wives who are ready to support and strengthen the heart kita.Dialah ammunition that will make us as bounce back.
Ask for prayer is also part of the way to make her happy, because she will feel so overlooked and feel privileged.
As a husband should not feel jumawa, arrogant and condescending istri.Ingatlah that he is our ribs.
He was a picture of ourselves, we are a picture of himself.
Hail Success Always ...

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